Introduction to Education Inc.
Our Management Team
MR ADNAN QAZI ALI is the founder and CEO of Education Inc. and heads the national operation from the Head Office in Karachi. An ex-Royal Air Force Officer in UK and a British National, he has served as a lecturer in a leading university in UK before migrating to Pakistan. Adnan has also served as Country Director in British Council Pakistan where he established ‘Education UK’. In addition he established the Sindh office of Campus Consultancy Services (UK) Ltd in Karachi.
MR ABDUL HAQ (MBE) is the Regional Director for Khyber Pukhtunkhua. Based in Peshawar he leads an experienced team that provides full student services in the Northern Regions of Pakistan. An ex-Director of British Council Peshawar, Abdul Haq was awarded the Member of British Empire (MBE) for his outstanding services to British education.
MRS TALHA ALI is Director Admissions for Education Inc. A British National with a full educational background in UK, she provides the essential link between the student and UK institutions. Talha has previously served as Managing Editor in Education Publishing at Oxford University Press Pakistan and has held the post of Director Sindh for Campus Consultancy Services (UK) Ltd.
Our Mission To provide personalized education counselling for all students wishing to study abroad. We take the worry of educational continuity away from the families. We focus on the specific needs of the student while helping to place them in relevant programmes. Our mission is to ensure that every student is able to continue with higher education by providing referrals to the best universities and colleges in the UK.